Want to learn more about how we fulfil the Nursem Promise or how to get involved as a healthcare professional? Find all the information you need here.
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Wow 2019, we’ve loved you.
It's been a long time in the making, but this was the year we finally launched Nursem across the UK, and more importantly...
This month has been a highlight for Team Nursem as we attended the ‘Benefit’s Everyone’ staff fairs at the Freeman and RVI hospitals in Newcastle. 'Benefits Everyone' is a scheme run by the NHS Trust to provide staff with special offers and benefits, and their annual fair hosts companies from across the region who aim to help staff feel good.Â
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5 (Completely Free) Ways To Treat A Nurse On International Nurses Day
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Gift ideas that every busy nurse or midwife deserves on International Nurses Day - From hand cream to card games we've got you covered...
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