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Our Story
As a pediatric nurse, Antonia was forced to take time off work after suffering from painfully cracked and bleeding hands from endless handwashing.
Discovering this was a widespread issue 87% of Nurses experience in their career, Antonia and her husband Jonny spent seven years collaborating with British nurses and laboratories to create natural, effective skin care that cares for, protects and repairs skin from head to toe.

Nature Knows Best
At Nursem, we use naturally derived ingredients to nourish and repair, leaving your skin feeling soft, soothed, and restored.
The Nursem Promise
For every product you buy, we give a month's worth of free Nursem to a nurse or midwife – this is the Nursem Promise.
The Nursem Standard
All Nursem products use high quality ingredients, are tested by medical experts and approved by at least 90% of our user panel.